Author: NaturesFinest

The sad story of pam- the world’s healthcare system

Pam, a woman in her 50s, goes to her physician for an annual checkup, and he finds that her blood sugar levels are high. In spite of the fact that she is at least 50 pounds overweight, he never questions her about her eating habits. Rather, he tells her she is prediabetic and prescribes anoral diabetes […]

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The Amazing India Parthia Seeds (a.k.a Magic Seeds)- perfect for weight loss

Do you believe in magic? Probably not. Do you believe in science? Probably yes. Well, let me introduce you to these amazing wonders that are almost magical to the body, hence the nickname Magic Seeds. These Amazing seeds, from the lowlands of Ghana, are laxatives that ensure you get a full-body cleanse and are extremely […]

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Go wholemeal, organic and brown with your ugali

Ugali is the most common food in many Kenyan households. It is almost an offense to not have flour in your house as a Kenyan, no matter which part of the world you are in. Because of this very integral part that ugali plays in our lives, at NaturesFinest, we decided to make it a […]

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Change your Breakfast

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This has some legitimate truth in it being that breakfast powers you up for the day and reawakens your metabolism after a night of rest. So, what is the most ideal breakfast to keep your body and mind healthy? Take water immediately […]

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What if I told you that you can add 15 years to your life?

This is a question many people have sought to answer. In the Bible (2nd Kings 20:1-11), Kind Hezekiah prayed when he was about to die and God added him 15 years. This is one way to have your life lengthened but even God needs your input if he is to lengthen your life. Here are […]

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The Magic that is Black Soap!

Black has always been beautiful and powerful. But never has this color ever been so gentle and rejuvenating than when it is used in reference both figuratively and literally to this soap. Here are 5 benefits of using black soap over every other soap brand you use: Purely Organic From the herbal trees of West […]

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Going organic means going natural! Absolutely ditching every manner of processed food! We are talking processed meat, canned foods, refined sugars. It simply means rejecting all the queer foods we so much love these days, but are absolutely detrimental to us. Here are 5 reasons we simply advocate for going organic 100% in the remaining […]

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Dietary Changes that can help manage cancer

Cancer is a menace. Let’s face it. And worse of, it’s a business- a booming business. Reports from around the world have more than once revealed human ‘devils’ who have deliberately misdiagnosed individuals just to get a kickback from cancer treatment centers. And if this is not the pure embodiment of evil, then I do […]

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8 pillars of good health

Nutrition Food is the fuel of every human being and just as substandard fuel damages machines, so does substandard food damage the body. Eat only what is right and avoid ‘dirty’ foods that will compromise your wellbeing. Browser here for the most authentic Kenyan foods- 100%organic, chemical free and highly nutritious with ZERO side effects. […]

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Why nature’s finest?

Nature’s Finest is an online store focused on giving you- the everyday feeding human being- healthy options that are purely organic and healthy for maximum nutritional value and zero side effects. Our products are pure with ZERO additives to ensure you eat exactly what your body needs. Ever wondered why there is a sharp increase […]

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