Ugali is the most common food in many Kenyan households. It is almost an offense to not have flour in your house as a Kenyan, no matter which part of the world you are in. Because of this very integral part that ugali plays in our lives, at NaturesFinest, we decided to make it a bit more healthier for you by introducing the scrumptious and highly nutritious brown ugali flour.

This brown ugali flour is made from whole meal flour (NOT sifted) and bursting with nutrition. The main advantages of our brown ugali flour (unlike the common white flour we often consume) includes:
- Wholemeal and rich in natural carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
- Very heavy and thus you consume significantly less thereby lasting longer
- It is sweet; super sweet. Though an acquired taste sometimes, it is actually quite addictive in the long run.
- Has significantly fewer calories and is very good for diabetics, cancer patients, people with heart issues, and those on a weight loss journey.
Order yours here and have it delivered to you in the comfort of your home.
PS: Remember; stay home and stay safe- corona is real!